We went to Haribon at Clark Air Base where we will wait for the helicopter that will tour the SCTEx alignment.
At the station while waiting for the helicopter to arrived, I can really feel my heart pounding on that time. First because it was my first time to ride the helicopter and second the helicopter is a military chopper which we all know that most of them were aged already. So there I was mixed with excitement and fear.
While waiting for the ride....
It was around or past 4:00 pm when we boarded the helicopter. Since our main goal is to take pictures of the expressway and I have the camera, Col Pattaui instructed me to seat at the gunners side so I could take good shots of the expressway. That really add up the scare.
So up we go. It's really strange and scary because I'm thinking what if this and that. The sides were wide open and it was really a scare. But the scare were overtaken by the excitement and the thought of boasting "hey! I've ride a chopper, man it was so good and thrilling!"
Looking down from the chopper and seeing those cars, house and trees just like a miniature in a scale model really enjoys me a lot. It was like you're building your own world.
The ride is okay but what annoys me most is the noise of the propeller especially when there's wind it's like smashing a card board on the table. Anyway its still great to ride a chopper.
We've had two rides of the chopper on and off. The fear were relieved and the thrill took over. The flight started from Clark Airbase to Subic and back then the other flight started from Clark Airbase to Hacienda Luisita, Tarlac and back.
The pilots... they sure took good care of us. Thanks to them I was able to write this.
A salute to all Filipino Pilots.
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