"Earning Opportunities"

I found some sites that can help give you some extra cash. They maybe a bit little and takes a lot strategies to earn but it will sure provide some extra cash.

Listed here are some of the sites that you can earn through surveys, advertisements, and posting a blog entry.

This site cost $.01 per click of their advertiser but you'll have to wait for a few seconds to be eligible.

This site sure earns a lot but it is still in beta mode.


This site sure gives earnings. You just join on their conversations like this one, answer it and publisher or post on you blog. This also ties up with With an average of $0.10 to $0.15 a day plus the price per conversation. It sounds good enough. I've earned $20 already and $20 more is coming.

You can earn also in posting some blog entry but of course your blog should have been up for at least 3 months and your blog entries are over 20 to qualify for sites that pays when you blog. Some of this sites are...

On this site you'll have to bid. Once you win that's the time that you will write you blog review regarding a certain site of product.

Blog Ads
You'll have to wait for this one. They'll contact you if there's a site for you to review and blog about.

You'll have to post blog entry on this site but make sure it's informative. You can even post a slide show, videos or audio.

social spark
This site a mix of CPC, Affiliate, Sponsorship(Blog Post)

Others are advertisements that will surely give some of their profits.

project wonderful
This site helps you promote your site and at the same time you can earn from the sites that advertise in your blog. I've earned $6.0 on this one.

There are lots of sites that offers opportunities just browse and look for them. The internet is a good media so lets make use of it.


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