"Buying Clothes for the Occasions"

A few hours after I have post this blog we were at SM North EDSA buying clothes for the activities this weekend. This weekend will be a busy days for us! We got schedules this Saturday and Sunday, Saturday will be Joseph's wedding and on Sunday will be the Church's Anniversary. The Church's Anniversary has a motif and they wanted people to wear Hawaiian dresses on Sunday. That's why we have to buy Hawaiian clothes for the Sunday motif. Mine was a long sleeves and a slacks only because I already have a Hawaiian dress (I think). Maki got a white floral polo and a while short pants. While Mommy, well she got a dress and it is indeed a good but that was after long hours............... of strolling around and moving from stall to stall and boutique to boutique. Hayyyyy! And also we had bought a new digital camera. It's a very high end digital camera but it will sure capture the moments. It's a Casio Exilim with 8.1 Mega Pixel a 4x optical zoom. We'll be using it today to capture moments on Joseph's wedding.

The Invitation

New Digital Camera


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