"Greeting Cards from Mommy Gen"

I just got the package from Mommy Gen of, five set of greeting card. I won this from a contest online. At first I didn't know that I won some prizes from Her and History's Contest. I was hesitant when Mommy Gen ask for my mailing address so I ask her why and she explained that I won some prizes from Her and History's Contest (that was all in a messages in Entrecard). So when I've read that I won without any hesitation I immediately sent her my home mailing address. That was last month.

Last week or last last week, which ever it is, my mother received a card notice from the central post office informing me that I have a package. There was no details on what and from whom was the package all it is written there are the counter where to pick it up, date until they return it to the sender and the my name on it. I only got a hint that it was Mommy Gen's package because I don't have or no one that I know that is going to send stuffs or package for me.

So yesterday I went to the central post office and picked up the package. As I expected it was from Mommy Gen. I didn't opened it until I get home. Once I get home I took a picture and here it is.
The greeting cards are wonderful!


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