"Bilingual Child"

As I checked my email this morning I found an email from my very reliable and the title of the email was "Your 2-Year-Old: Ready for French?". As I thought to myself, well I'm already starting to teach Maki how to speak Japanese (LOL a little bit in a way).

Maki only started to talk with some clear words recently. We're teaching him to talk in English. I know it's a bit odd that a History major graduate and a nationalistic (slight) person like will teach my son some foreign languages first than our native tongue which is Filipino. Hay!!! Anyway Jose Rizal did learn many languages but still his heart belongs to his native land. Besides it is much easier for him to learn Filipino language than to learn English because most of the person in the house use Filipino language. Also we wanted him to learn to speak English as early as possible.

As usual, I click the link and read the article. Actually it's not an article but it's more of a response from different parents around the world who are member of the Most of them are teaching their kids to learn foreign languages. This enables them to comprehend with their friends or relatives who speaks their native language. Also they put an emphasize on the problems that they encounter while teaching their kids to learn two language at the same time. Kids really gets hard time in developing their language skills at first but later on develops much better as they learn two languages.

The response of different parents sure gives me an answer and it really proves that Maki is only experiencing what other kids are experiencing as well. Especially those who are learning two languages at the same time.

Well I'm planning to teach Maki more than two languages. Right now I think I'm in Grade 1 in learning Japanese. Sometimes I try to talk to Maki in Japanese. So good luck to us and I hope I learn Japanese first than my son.

Eddie Garcia said...

I think what you are attempting to do is absolutely wonderful. My father is Spanish but never taught us that beautiful language. I regret that he made that choice because we are the ones that are suffering. By teaching your child more than one language will open multiple doors of opportunity for him and you will be so happy you did this wonderful thing. Much success with your ongoing teaching!

Friends 4 Life!

spinninglovelydays said...

I think it's great that you're learning a foreign language along with your kid. My philosophy about children and languages is that they'll pick up what they're exposed to. My 3-yo speaks English, but I'm confident that she'll learn Tagalog too just from exposure (she has non-English-speaking playmates). I'm also exposing her to Spanish, not really formally teaching her - just talking to her casually, listening to music, watching TVE... :)

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