"Blog's New Look"

Just finished tweaking the new look of this blog. It took me some time to rearrange the set up and the structure. You really have to know some of the basics of html and other computer language to be able to tweak some changes and look it just the way you want it. Plus a little bit of research to know some details.

Anyway I hope that the readers will be delighted to view my blog's new look. Also I put some menu on top to let readers easily find what they wanted to look for especially for the parents who wanted to know about some tips and stuff about babies and kids. So this is just the start of some changes and their will be more changes coming soon.

Good day and God bless to everyone!

rjs mama said...

i have been wanting to change the look of my blogs also

Journal of RJ's mom
RJ's day to day activities

but sadly i don't have the time.

hope you can visit and link me up :)

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