"Yesterday's Message"

It's been two Sundays that my wife hasn't been to church. That's because of work. She has work on Sundays which makes her skip church sometimes. And because of that I have to bear my son's hyperactivity and "kakulitan" but still it was fun having him like that. Though he was that hyperactive I still manage to divert his attention on some things and that was the time that I were able to listen to the message.

Yesterday was different because we got some new speaker. The message was delivered by one of the United Methodist Young Adult Fellowship it was short and simple. His explained the character of Moses. It's more of a revival or making changes no matter what. Like Moses he was in his 80s when he lead the Jews out of Egypt. For me this only shows that answering God's call requires no age limit. Whether be it a teen or a grampy old man once he calls us we should response willingly. Though many of us for sure will response hesitantly like Moses still God will provide everything that we need.


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