Ablazing The Flickering Light

This holy week my family just stayed in the house and just did a little stroll in the park. It was a free day to do things and free day to talk to God. Yup! It is just one of those blessed day that we are given a chance to communicate with God. It is the time to have a reflection of our life and our accomplishments as a believer.

I could say that I'm not a great motivator when it comes to leading the pack of baby Christians. I'm not a good example, for now. I'm still in the very shadow that covers the light of Christ in me. I wanted that light to break free and be a guide to others just like what Jesus Christ did when he laid his life on the cross.

So by this simple post and my constant updating of the daily bible verse I want to start that flame flickering light to ignite and set my Christian life ablaze more than ever.

Since this is the last day of the holy week I just want to ask people of certain things like this...

What flicks into your mind when you see the cross? Perhaps, most of us would still see the Christ nailed to that cross and bleeding to death.

Every year, holy weeks comes and it is being celebrated as if we lost somebody. Is that the real reason why we Christians celebrate holy week? I think it shouldn't be because that cross is not a reminder of Christ's suffering but it should be a reminder of Christ's love for us, because of that love that He laid his life on that cross to save our sins. An unconditional love.

So for me that cross is a celebration of love, a lively celebration! We can seriously celebrate that love by shouting and rejoicing to God.

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