Friday Toys: Dolphin Plush Toy

The Pinoy Daddy Blogger with a Japanese nick name is back with its Friday Toys and I really missed posting my insights and views about new toys that we got and of course toys that we haven't had yet but I find great for my kids and your kids as well.  

Remember my earlier post about my family's experience and picture taking at the SM North EDSA Skygarden with their Sea Explorer's World?  Well prior to that, I received an invitation regarding that launched.  Unfortunately, I wasn't available to cover that event but was lucky enough to have an in-law who's most willingly to cover it for me.  By the way that in-law was my wife's younger brother which she personally commissioned to be our correspondent whenever we're not available.  Anyway so much with that.
The cute little Dolphin Plush Toy courtesy of SM City North EDSA
So what I'm about to showcase here today is the Plush toy that we got from that event which I find it handy enough for our little baby Gelo to have whenever we're going out as a family or even when we're at home.  First, as we all know babies do get cranky sometime so a little something for them to play around with is a big help for us parents and this little Dolphin Plush Toy can play that part.  Second, this Plush toy is a good introduction for the babies to learn what does a dolphin looks like.  Small, easy to grab by the babies, soft and cuddly.

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