Gelo's Birthday

I have been away from this blog for quite sometime.  Well, first is because of some health reason and some sideline reason as well.  It was really frustrating not to post any parenting tips or some events that our family have done this few weeks.  Though we have lots of fun and exciting events, still I wasn't able to find time to concentrate and have a more intimate story here on this blog.

I'm sure for those who are reading and expecting some ideas or things to do together with their family you are anxious to read some so for this day I'll be posting one of our moments to remember.  Though we're not that financially equipped well we just find ways on how to celebrate it lesser than the usual.

Marco Polo Demo, Gelo Malikha Demo, May 11, 2012, turning 1 year old, 09204894073

Yes, today is Gelo's Birthday.  The second angel in the house.  As I have mentioned resources might have been not that accessible to us so we decided to celebrate two events in one, Christening and Birthday Celebration.

For some they may find it, still big but if you have just seen the preparations some of the things used were recycled.  Two reasons, one is to at least help in cleaning the environment and two is to lessen the expenses.

So, in just a few hours we will celebrate it and for those whom we have not invited or may not included, our apologies.  For it is just a small celebration.  Pray for us and for continued blessings in health, wealth and spiritually. 

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