Daddy Day Care: Out to Hunt for School Bag

Maki's school day will start Monday and unfortunately he still don't have any bag to use.  Though he has a small bag which only fits few notebooks, some colors and pencil, still, he needs to have a bag that is durable enough to hold the number of books that he'll be having.  

For the past school year Maki was able to use two bags (I think) and both of them are already unusable.  Their zippers are already crooked and wont zip anymore.  The fabric of the bags are already worn out and stretched, I think it wouldn't keep the books dry when it rains real hard.

So today, our family heads out to the mall to hunt for Maki's school bag.  Together with my in-laws they went to one of the malls in QC and for me, I headed first to the hospital get the result of the laboratories then went straight to the doctor for the reading of the results.  Too bad the doctor had change her schedule already and Saturdays were excluded on her schedule.  Then, I followed them to mall. 

Looking for bags that will fit to our sons needs and that will fit also to our budget is really hard.  Good thing that there's a sale in that department store that we were able to get the bag that we are looking for on a lesser price.  Of course Maki were very happy and excited for his bag.

A tip for parents, don't go with the trend of bags instead try to look for something that will last at least for the whole year.  Also try to hunt for good and quality bags for a lesser price, be on the look out for sales. 

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