Shutdown Because of A Suspicious Activity

Unfortunately and probably my Google or Blogger account was hacked because it automatically shuts down my blog site. I don't know how long it was down but when I checked it out this morning I couldn't log-in and it was saying the there was a suspicious activity going on with my site that's why they shut it down.  Hmmm.... I don't know what happened but same goes with my amazon account.

It seems that I forgot to updated all my passwords regularly.  This is one thing that I forgot to do.  I should at least change my password every quarter.  Just to be safe.  So lesson learned, I will do this password updating every quarter.  

Hay... what a start of the day?

Hmm... today is Friday the 13th.  Lucky day!  

Anyway, will pray to GOD to keep us safe and well.  GOD bless us all!  HAPPY FRIDAY TO ALL!

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