Monday Rush: Blood Rush HB

Hayyy... Monday was a sure blood rush.  I didn't know if my blood pressure went up or not but one thing is for sure I got dizzy and my world started to move and turn around.  I don't have any means or apparatus to check it instantly that's why I decided to stay home for a while and have a rest.

Not a Monday Rush to the office but a Monday rush of blood.  It was another chilling experience if you consider that because it really made my body weak with that blood rush.

I just rested that morning and hoping to go to the doctor that afternoon unfortunately I wasn't able to catch up with the doctor and will be back on the following day.   Still, I'm in the look out for my blood pressure and since I got nothing to do I attended to some activities that I need to be.

Blood rush or high blood pressure is something that we all should watch out for.  Though I admit I may have neglected my health for quite some time in order to accomplish something.  So, for now I'll be off with too much oily stuff, more on leafy vegetable, and more on exercise.

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