Christmas Greetings from Daddy Yashiro's Journal

Before this Christmas Day the artistic in me came through and inspired me to create a Merry Christmas greeting for all the companies, brands, and PR agencies whom we have worked with directly or indirectly.  These companies have indeed made our year very fruitful and blessed.  With their products and brands they have made us a blog to look at.  Something that the online readers would always want to check out if there are something new and what's in for the season.

As we celebrate Christmas I would like to give thanks to all the companies, PR agencies, and brands listed on this personalized doodle that I have created my warmest thank you.  To some of the brands and companies that I wasn't able to include in this doodle my apologies but more thankful for you all.    As we continue to celebrate the holiday season a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all! This is the time of sharing, be merry and be thankful for everything.

To everyone and every company a MERRY CHRISTMAS greetings from Daddy Yashiro's Journal!  Looking forward for another fruitful and blessed year to come!

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