Lechon For Christmas

Craving for Cebu Lechon this Christmas?  Well, worry no more because Cebuboy Lechon will be having their delivery to Manila straight from Cebu.  Just right in time for this coming holiday.  Dads will for sure be at ease in looking for good lechon.

What I like about the Cebuboy Lechon is that the fat is thinner and of course with less consumption of fats.  Of course we should have it moderately and we shouldn't forget to take our medicines just in case that we'll be having too much parties this coming holiday.

So for those who'll be trying to have an authentic Cebu lechon on their table this Christmas just refer to the contact numbers below.

For your orders, call:

JOSHUA - 0905-6625411
DYSM     - 0917-4681179
PAOLO   - 0917-3705691
NIQS      - 0922-875650

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