Daddy Day Care: Mommy's Birthday Celebration

Today is Mommy's big big and important day!  This is the day that she was brought out into this wonderful world and this is the day that she made her parents very proud.  Yup!  She did made them proud and she did not disappoint them up to now.  This is her day and the whole family celebrated with her.  Oh yes!  It's Three Kings today as well, which marks the end of the long stretched holiday in the Philippines.   Though no bearing gifts came to our house today I'm the whole year will be a blessing for and for us.

Since it is her day today we celebrated her day on the place that our kids haven't been with and that is Eastwood.  I even made a prank to my wife so she won't have to wear shorts today.  I told her an old misconception in Eastwood that wearing shorts are not allowed in that place.  Hahaha!  I thought she would bite it, unfortunately she uses Google and some blogger friends to get to know the details about it.  Well, I did not convinced her and off showing her white legs.  Hahaha!

It seems that Mommy's birthday celebration got so many firsts of the kids and us as well.

  • This is their first time be in Eastwood.
  • First time for Gelo to walk along the Walk of Fame of stars and doing the Gangnam Style dance.
  • Our first time to have a picture in a place as a family.
  • First time for Maki and Gelo to eat a baked fries at Stackers.
  • Maki and Gelo's first time in Starbucks.
  • Maki and Gelo's first time to drink a Chocolate Frappuccino.

Thank you very much to Stackers at Eastwood for accommodating us though Gelo were very noisy and to Starbucks Ali Mall for a good relaxing ambiance while having snacks.  The kids love the Chocolate Frappuccino very much.  

Well, we all enjoyed ourselves and most especially Mommy.  She was very happy celebrating her day with us.  Love you My!

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