Blessings I Got From An Online Contest

This post was long gone overdue!  I should have shared it a month ago but was overwhelmed with the anniversary contest and later on the hiatus stage which mainly eats up the core membrane of my thoughts.   So as promised to Ron and to the organizer of the online contest here it is.  Read more of how the blessing was conveyed to me.

Before I start with the story I would just like to glorify God for being there always!  He sure answer prayers in his own way which could not reach with our own intellects.  Everything is well laid down in His time and in His own way.  Thank you Lord for the blessings!

Okay, so it was one morning when I noticed a red count on the upper right hand corner of my Facebook.  I checked it out and noticed that it was a message.  Clicked and read it and it says "Please check ur email, got something really special for you.  Thanks!" So immediately and hurriedly I opened my email account and checked what it was.  I almost jumped for joy when I saw what the email contains.  Since I was in the office I just contained my joy and giggled.  Yup I giggled to what I have read, it was a great morning message.   It says that I won in a raffle contest of, no amount was mentioned yet but when I asked it was a whooping $350.00!  And it's not just a simple money that you see on streets but a clean winning of $350.00.

It was indeed a blessing and an answered prayer as we really need that amount of money to cover some of our finances and debts.  

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