Friday Toys: Smurfs Toys With Papa Smurf and Baker Smurf

Hi readers! I'm sure you've missed my weekly posts about toys here at Daddy Yashiro's Journal.  Well, me too, I missed it!  I missed the Friday Toys very much that I do hope that I'll be continuing it more often now and I promise I got plenty of toys to review and share to all parents out there.  Like I mentioned before in my previous posts my dormant days are over it seems that it takes long to cope up with our situation right now. I do hope that I'll be more constant in making things go straight as possible.

Okay, for now we will be sharing a well loved animated little blue characters that most of the kids loved.  They've already invaded the cinema twice and thankfully that for the second one we got lucky to have a full set of the toys.  So, I'm sure you've already know what this characters are.  Without further ado let me introduce to you the Smurfs.

If you're the kids of the 80s I know you have watched this cartoon series and was lucky enough to see the old school of enjoying cartoons during afternoons.

Okay. so much with the throwback thing and now we'll be showcasing the toys and I think I'll be featuring two every Friday so that we won't have a very long review of the toys.  To start with we'll have Papa Smurf and Baker Smurf.

This toys were free from McDonald's that comes from every Happy Meal and of course any of choice that your kid will choose.  The toys are made of plastic but I'm not very much sure if it is made of PVC plastic.  Papa Smurf pose on a sitting position on I'm not sure if it is a plate of something else with wheels underneath that runs when pulls backward.  Papa Smurf pose is like rolling the hills, hands raised shoulder and perhaps with yippee sound like.  Anyway the toys is great to pull and runs on flat surfaces.

The next one is Baker Smurf with nothing much of a feature expect of its pose.  Like Papa Smurf it is made of plastic which is kind of heavier than Papa Smurf.  This kind of toy is much more appealing only when placed on the shelves together with other figures.

These two toys are great for kids to play but of course parents should take precaution that toys like these are not yet allowable for kids below 3 years old because they might swallow small parts or the most thing that little ones do is throw it anywhere and to anyone.

Now, does this worth playing... yes it is.  We enjoyed and still enjoying playing with the toys.

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