Monday Rush: Barangay Election

It's Monday Rush and today is the Barangay Election.  A holiday exclusively set just to exercise the right to vote and I just did that today!  Yup, my finger was inked to signify that I have voted and was indirectly given the right to question any illegal and wrong doings of the elected official.  As what PNOY would always say "kayo ang boss ko!" (you are my boss).  Hopefully and prayerfully all government officials should be in gratitude of the people who chose them not the other way around.

What's good for this day is that I don't have to rush anything.  Just chilling a bit in the house, playing with the kids and of course some personal stuff.  A nice Monday to experience without any hassle of the street commuting to work.

As our usual routine we don't go early to the voting precinct.  We always avoid the big waves of people going to their respective precincts to vote.  Actually it is much easier when everyone had already voted.  No hassle just as smooth as it is.  And what's good is that your cool and calm to make your decision on who to vote.  Choosing the right people to lead the barangay is really hard, especially if the barangay where you're living is big.

How about you, how was your election day?

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