Monday Rush: Travel To and From

Monday again and it is our usual rush day, the Monday Rush.  My Mondays was supposed to be traveling to the north to our office but for this Monday I traveled down to the south just to get the documents from the main office and to have the unsigned documents be signed.  Take note it was a travel without the company vehicle.  Hay....

Anyway I like solitary travels and it's kind of exciting traveling alone.  The only problem with it is that you get to talk to yourself whenever you see something worth talking about.  Hahaha!

With this particular Monday it was my first time to travel back north on afternoon and on commute.  I usually travel during mornings.  Well the scenery were kind a bit gloomy as the day is turning into dim then dark, as the sun set to fall and disappear.  It was already dark when I arrived at the office.  Took some time to rest for a while then locked the documents and went to our staff house.

Tired, exhausted, and wasted.  It's not a rush but the whole traveling experience is tiresome.

How about you, have you tried traveling the whole?  Hope you could share it here.

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