Friday Toys: Lego-like Toy

What's the most exciting thing to do during Fridays? For the teens and the yuppies, this day is gimmick night. It is their way of getting that stress off from them. But for some of the Dads, like me, it's toys time and bonding time with. kids. Yes, this is once again another time of fun with the kids and daddies' little toys. For now, Friday Toys is just one of the segments on this blog that shares information about things that can help dads and new time dads. In getting toys for the kids.

For this Friday we are featuring one of the toys that was given to my son, Maki., as a gift. I know my son loves to do puzzles but on this one he still needs my guidance and of course make sure that his younger is not around when he does it.
So, our toy for today is called an intellectual assemble toy. It is similar to Lego but the brand is different. This is made of ABC plastic and it is not intended for kids 3 years old under because of small parts that can cause choking,

For kids who loves to assemble puzzles this is one great toy to stimulate their minds and their creativity. Judt make sure not to lose guide to assemble the toy. Once assemble this turns out to be an off road car.
What do you think of this toy? Does your kids own something like this?

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