Daddy Day Care: Play Under The Sun With Johnson Baby's Active Fresh

If you remember the old days or should I say when we, moms and dads, are still kids, we were always playing outside... under the heat of the sun. That time that we don't care with our smell and if our skin get burned. Those were the fun days under the sun and games are more active and engaging.
Last Saturday Daddy Yashiro got a very long day with our Daddy Day Care. Yes, it was a very very long day and one of the event that my wife, me and the kids attended was the Johnson's Baby Philippines. This is our second year as a family to attend with Johnson's Baby Play Days activities. For this year's activity they got something new for the family this summer, the first-ever Shadow Playground in the world.

The Johnson's Baby team in the Philippines formally launched this very innovative venue for active playtime for the kids with the opening of the first Shadow Playground which was held at Market! Market! Playzone in Bonifacio Global City last March 29, 2014.

The creation of the Shadow Playground aims to build children's imagination and creative thinking as their natural fascination with shadows sips through whileplaying under the sun. And that's what my kids enjoyed during the launch.

Mixed with the traditional outdoor games and some board games. Well it is really fun playing outdoor games. I used to play a lot outside when I was a child. The memories came through even more when Kuya Bodjie came out and hosted the event. It was like the Batibot days. If you know Kuya Bodjie you definitely know the kids' TV show Batibot.

To keep everyone alive and active Kuya Bodjie encourage everyone to participate to say "Di lang laro ang laro!" whenever he mentions the magic word "Johnson and Johnson". After Kuya Bodjie's entertaining spills he calls one of the former kid star and who is now a mom, Camille Prats together with her son to join him and talked about how she lets her kids enjoy an active childhood.
Ms. Kris Llanes, Johnson's Baby Senior Brand Manager introduced about the shadow playground and how the kids will love it plus of course what the kids need to enjoy playing under the sun, the newest product of Johnson with active fresh technology that keeps the kids fresh and not amoy araw.  The Active Fresh Technology does the following: masks malodor and leaves it odorless; releases a long lasting fragrance; and one special feature is that it contains the first-ever sweat-activated fragrance capsules that burst upon contact with sweat.

After the conference everyone was later on brought to the shadow playground area for the ribbon cutting and to officially open the said playground. My wife and kids get to try some of the games and it was fun. Great bonding moment for the whole family.

The playground consists of 9 plates which are 6 feet in diameter. The shadow will approximately measure 6-8 feet, depending on the time of the day. These 9 acrylic discs on poles were designed to use the 100 square meter space for shadows.

Here are the games included in these discs and how they are played.
  • Maze that teaches children strategy. Mom or Dad will stand at the center of the maze and her or his child will need to find his way to mom or dad by avoiding the blocked paths. The first child to reach and hug mom or dad wins!

  • Flamingo teaches children balance. Mom or Dad and child will need to balance only on one foot and hold on to each other for support. The pair that balances the longest wins.
  • Froggy Jump teaches children concentration. Mom or Dad will jump on odd-numbered leaves while child jumps on even-numbered leaves. The pair who jumps without stepping out o fthe leaves and finishes with the fastest time wins!
  • Snakes and Ladders teaches children teamwork. The child will stand on the “start box” while keeping his eyes closed. He will need to follow mom's or dad's voice as she or he instructs him to jump long or short. They will need to aim for the ladders and not the snakes! First pair to reach the end wins!
  • Piko teaches children coordination Mom or Dad and child will use a stone or coin as a marker. They will throw this to land on the squares, without touching the lines. Then, they will hop on one foot through the single square and land on both feet on double squares – fastest pair to finish wins!

So isn't it a fun-filled weekend!  You can visit the Playzone Area in Market! Market! to experience the Shadow Playground.

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