Monday Rush: Summer Heat

Summer really brings sweat, uneasiness, and sun burns but of course fun and enjoyment comes first.  Today Daddy Yashiro's Monday Rush is about summer heat.  Yes, summer heat!  It's not really a rush of adrenalin or something but this one is about the summer heat, the fun, enjoyment , the effects and of course how to at least make the heat wear off.

Summer is supposed to be fun but if you're not cautious enough you'll bear the effect and problem it may bring to you.  So when enjoying the sun and wanting to have some cool tan on your skin better get ready with your sun block.  Make sure not to get too much exposed under the sun as the heat today is really worst.  Just a few minutes under the sun can really toast that skin.

Another effect that we, parents and adults should be cautious about the scourging heat is the heat stroke.  Yes, a heat stroke can strike anyone especially older ones who has blood pressure problem so better hydrate yourselves regularly if you want to have fun under the sun.

So what do we need to protect us and ease off that heat?  Here are some of the things that we should have when enjoying under the sun.

  • Sun Block for skin protection
  • Umbrella or Balabal to cover you 
  • Hat or cap to cover you 
  • Canister filled with water to hydrate you regularly
  • Shades to protect your eyes

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