Safe Drinking Water for Kids with Pureit

Unilever recently introduce their newest product for a safer drinking water. It is called PUREIT. It is the largest selling brand of in-home water purifiers in the world, starting with the Excella, a non-electric water purifier that converts tap water and even untreated water into guaranteed clean and safe drinking water.
Pureit Excella is the only non-electric water purifier that meets the microbiological safety norms criteria of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the regulatory body with the most stringent standards for safe drinking water all over the world.

If you're one of the parents who looks after what your kids are drinking then you'll probably need to know and need to have one of this apparatus from Unilever.  As a start this is a state-of-the-art purification technology that brings tap water into a natural taste and safe drinking water.  To give you, parents, a know how about the apparatus below is the two level of purification that Pureit does.
The first level of purification consists of three simple yet valuable layers of protection where water initially passes through the Germkill Processor that disinfects the water of almost all bacteria, viruses and germs. Next, it passes through the Advanced Microfiber Mesh that filters out precipitates such as visible and invisible dust and dirt particles, as well as metallic impurities. Lastly, the Carbon Polisher removes pesticides, chlorine, and odor from the water, before it goes to the second level of purification.
The second level purification is performed by the Micro-charged Membrane, which further purifies the water by removing any remaining parasites or bacteria – assuring families of protection against diseases. The en product is clear, fresh, and natural-tasting water that's free from harmful agents.

So does this information gives a information that you need to go and try Pureit?  If you're not yet convince then read more and later on decide whether you want to have one or not.
In my family's case, we spend around less than a thousand in buying distilled water for the kids and purified water for the old ones plus the hassle of buying the water from the grocery.  Imagine that!

So last month when I came home I found out that my wife had brought one of the Pureit in the house courtesy of Unilever.  It was enclosed in a big box, not really that big but big enough to put some of kids' toys.

As usual my wife doesn't know how to assemble and install this kind of stuff, so in other words Dad is the one in charge with this things.  Good thing that the manual included in the box is not complicated and even a 10 year-old kid can put this thing together.  Take note that this Pureit apparatus is divided into four (4) fragments plus one small Micro-charged Membrane which is part of the filtering process.  When putting this up together make sure that you set it up in a flat surface to make all the fittings fit together.
Before using this Pureit apparatus it is advised that it should filter and remove water two (2) to three (3) times to get rid of the plastic smell and to make sure a clean drinking water.   The filtering process of water takes time before having a clean water pour down on its container.  You really need to wait on this.
After few tries of filtering with the apparatus we experienced that the longer the water is settled in the container it gets a woody smoke flavor so it is advice not to settle the water not more than 12 hours.  Perhaps place it in a water container and refrigerate to cool it.

You can buy Pureit Excella at Abenson, Anson or even in Landmark, it is a state of the art technology but affordable and quality purifier for just P4999.

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