Dad and Kids Enjoyed The Mutant Mayhem, Halloween Treat From Nickelodeon

Just few hours before the day is covered in darkness, just few more ticks before the clock strikes at six, little cute, funny, and creepy kids already swarmed the streets and alleys in SM Mall Of Asia as Nickelodeon’s ultimate scarefest, the “Mutant Mayhem” happened at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay City. It’s their Halloween treat for the whole family, and this Dad together with the Kids just enjoyed it very much. This year’s themed party paid homage to everyone’s favorite childhood heroes in a half shell, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Of course aside from green walking half shell there are also other mutants from Nickelodeon’s shows celebrating the supernatural in all its form, from the fairly mischievous to the downright menacing.

We all know that kids definitely are looking forward for the trick-or-treat event and Nickelodeon just did the most anticipated one. Packed with complete entertainment, attractions, games and freebies made the afternoon a hauntingly memorable Halloween experience. As for our kids, Maki and Gelo, this is something that they want to experience but still with a little scary feel and look over the big ones with gory and indifferent costumes. Of course their Halloween trick-or-treating experience wouldn’t be complete without a pumpkin basket for the goodies.

While busy lining up with the different booths there are on-going appearances and performances happened on stage from kids’ favorite Nick characters. Well, the kids just couldn’t leave any of the booths behind that lead them to stretch their necks just to see who’s on stage. What’s worse is that they climbed up to daddy just to have a clear view of the stage.

Halloween is Halloween but to some kids gory costumes and monstrous make-ups aren’t cute to look at. This year’s costume contest was focused on the kids who stood out in the most creative, scariest or cutest looks. Winners of this contest took home spooktacular prizes and goodies.

Nickelodeon’s Mutant Mayhem is presented by Toy Kingdom. Co-sponsored by Ace Water Spa, Jack ‘n Jill Wiggles, Jack ‘n Jill Chiz Curls, Kinder Joy, Koala’s March, Lipps Pop Stix, McDonalds, Monster High, Skechers Kids, Swift, and Tobots.

So, how about you and your kids? What did you do last Halloween?

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