Monday Rush: First SONA of President Duterte

When your first becomes something big. Well we all get a chance in life and sometimes those opportunities comes at the right moment and at the right venue. As what I've always say to my friends "if it is for you then it would go through" or in Filipino language "kung ukol bubukol".  Just like our current President of the Republic of the Philippines, His Excellency Rodrigo Roa Duterte who just recently made his very first State of the Nation's Address or SONA. From the position of Mayor of the City straight up to the seat of Presidency. He was not up at first to run for presidency but the clamor of the public and the need for someone who is out of the usual politician made him the man he is now and the place where he is ought to be, the President.

Why did I say "when your first becomes something big", well President Rodrigo Duterte or PDU30 made all his first into something big that it made an impact to almost everyone. The usual protocols, the glamorous programs, and the grandiose preparation were all changed when PDU30 took his first SONA. It was not dull compared to the previous president's address and it is easily picked up by the masses who only understand quite few. He made things light on the words but heavy on the content of what he wants to do for the country and for the people.

Perhaps most of us want the best for our country just like a Dad who wants the best for his kids. Since change is coming let us all help to make that change happens. All big things start in small things.

So, as for me and as this is my first Monday Rush for this year after a few moment of hiatus, I am hoping that my firsts will someday be big. How about you, anything firsts that made you big enough to be known? If you do have please do share it here.

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