My Kids' Youtube Channel, Kids On The Go

Admittedly I rarely update this blog since I started attending events and since kids started their youtube channel. Events took most of my time and of course got interest on the perks that get out of it.

Anyway, just last year, after hearing about the story of the Philippines' number one youtuber I was some what got interested to have my kids start their own youtube channel. So we started it last year and uploaded some of the videos. So far they got few videos on it and I didn't concentrated at it yet because I was still working last year. It takes time uploading and editing videos that's why they only got few vids.

Now that I'm a bummer, yes I don't have work right now and we are depending on the perks and gigs that we got from blogging. So, now I got time uploading and editing our kids videos but of course I need to do some part time things to finance us.

For this year we are hoping to boost up the youtube channel of our kids which is the Kids On The Go. To start it I was hoping for you dear readers and followers to take a peek on our kids youtube channel and watch some of the videos. And if you feel your kids can learn from it or enjoy it subscribe to our channel. Watch the welcome video below
What do you think? Should we have a giveaway for kids and parents? If we get a good response better watch out for it.

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