"ODJ (Our Daily Journey with God)"

A gift from my sister… the ODJ (Our Daily Journey). The ODJ is like the Our Daily Bread. You have your day to day verses and reflections to reflect with. It really helps you read the Bible everyday (actually I always miss to read Bible I only read the reflection every day). I’m praying that reading the Bible will be my priority this year. So time to time I’m trying to lift the attitude of “I’m tired” and “I’ll do it later”. So pray for me also.

corteousyellow said...

By any chance, do you know where to buy it online??

Unknown said...

You can write to any of the RBC Ministries for your free copy:
(i) RBC Ministries Headquarters - Grand Rapids, MI 49555-0001, USA
(ii) RBC Ministries International Operations - MacPherson PO Box 146, Singapore 913405
(iii) RBC Ministries Africa-Asia - PO Box 19, Dehiwala 10350, Sri Lanka
(iv) RBC Ministries Americas - Caixa Postal 4444, Curitiba/PR 82501-970, Brazil
(v) RBC Ministries Asia-Pacific - PO Box 86, Taman Sri Tebrau, 80057 Johor Bahru, Malaysia
(vi) RBC Ministries Europe - PO Box 1, Carnforth, Lancashire LA5 9ES, United Kingdom

Unknown said...

you can also check out their new website at

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