Daddy Yashiro's Journal's 4th Blogoversary

Wait a minute!  I nearly forgot, yesterday was this blog's anniversary!  Bad, just because that I'm not running any contest for this year it doesn't mean that I'll forget about its blogoversary.   Anyway it's better late than never, so, for the benefit of those who reads this blog, yup Daddy Yashiro's Journal is on its 4th Blogoversary.   Imagine that, this blog has been posting my experiences, ideas and thoughts for this past four years already.  Hmm.... just wondering how many have already read and learn from it... if there's any.

First of all I would like to thank God directing me to this endeavor and because of that this blog was created which somehow made it to survived the past four years.  Thank God also that this blog has helped me a lot not only in expressing my feelings and thoughts but also in terms of finances.  There are times that we are obviously drowning with our problems but because of the opportunities present through blogging most of those tormenting financial problems are augmented.  God is really great and God is good.  His blessings do come in different ways and this is one of them.  As this blog strives for another year I and my family are praying that everyone that will have a chance to pass by and perhaps read the post here can have an insight about life and how God can make their life change.

This blog wouldn't be alive at all if not because of my family, my wife and my two kids.  They are the soul of this blog.  They have made my story within it.   This is my lesson plan in fatherhood, though there are no courses or manuals created for being a great Dad or parents, the experiences and learning that I have gained  gives me the knowledge of how to live life.  

So sharing this experiences with other Dads and parents is just something to share and hopefully for their guide as they start their journey being a dad.   Well, hop in and join me as we travel the world of fatherhood.

Hmmm... what do you think, should I have a contest?  A comment will help me determine, so fire away a comment and let me know.

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