Kids' Happy Meter

How well versed are you with your kids' feelings?   For me, As a Dad who's time is roughly not enough to be with the kids because of work, made me think if I really know my kids especially when they are happy.  I know there are no instruments to measure the gauge of happiness of a child but I'm pretty much sure that there are indications that we, parents, can see and feel whenever our kids are happy.

Based on my experience and whenever I'm around with my kids, I somewhat noticed this few things from them.  I think these are good indications that they are happy.

  • Their eyes are glowing.
  • They are energized.
  • They are smiling a lot.
So, does your kids have this signs?  If they do that's a great indication that they are happy and make sure to always make them happy because it helps them a lot with their develop.  I'm no expert about kids but hey I'm a Dad I should know that and I might as well share it to others.

Enjoy the bonding and keep on smiling!

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