Daddy Day Care: Macaroni and Spaghetti For Breakfast

Hay... Sunday!  It's one of those weekend days that I always longed after a week of work.   This is the day that I'll be having my weekend dose of TV cartoons and breakfast.  That was two decades ago perhaps!  Now it's quite different.  I'm a Dad now and weekends for me are supposed to be Daddy Day Care.  It's my turn to take care of the kids and have some fun with them though there are some times that I'm out.
For this particular Daddy Day Care I'll be telling about my Sunday story.  My day started as early as 4 AM.  It's still dark and cold.  I'm trying to finish some pending works which had piled up.  By 6 AM I was hungry already and the kids are starting to wake up.  Yup, they woke up early because they slept early.  Settled a little bit to doze off their sleepy heads.  The youngest one ask for milk and of course I fixed it.  Oh I forgot my wife is also awake that time and was preparing for our weekend chores.  Since my wife is still in sleepy mode I decided to buy additional food for breakfast.  There are some neighbors who sells breakfast and its quite cheap.

The two kids tag along with me, we bought one order of Macaroni Soup which costs Php10 and one order of Spaghetti at Php15.  I'm sure you're wondering if those two orders are enough for us, well like I mentioned it was just an addition since we have some rice and some strips of chicken teriyaki already.

The Macaroni Soup and spaghetti are the ones that we always order.  Not too flavorful just like in some fast foods or restaurants but its good enough to fill in those empty and hungry stomachs.  We prepared the table and had our breakfast.  Just a right amount of food to last the whole morning.

How about you, where do you buy or get your breakfast?  Hope you could share it here.  God's day!

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