Daddy On Mobile Band Wagon

Hah!  Remember my post about Daddy Yashiro going mobile?  Well, it was indeed a convenience being able to write what you wanted to write immediately and being able to post it online instantly but that mobile thing has something of quite a little problem.  Not a big one but its the thing that will sustain the mobility, that's the problem.  Sustaining mobility requires of course resources and Daddy Yashiro's resources is still quite unstable.  So my mobility progress will be on the need basis only.  I don't have to be online all the time.

So to address this problem I tried to look for an application that will help me in blogging.  I've searched the Google Play for an app and thank God I find three that so as of now I have downloaded it already and was still trying them for convenience.  Two of which are great and I have tried it already.  One is good if you're offline because it can save your work in the SD card while the other one is great when its online.  The other one I haven't figured out the whole shebang of it.

So I'll be testing more and trying to find more ways to be mobile.  Of course I'll be sharing more stories, tips, parenting and kids stuff.

How about you?  How do you go mobile?  Does the present technology helps you in your line of work?  Hope you could share them here.  Good day!

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