Friday Toys: Booklets

Hi, this is Daddy Yashiro's Friday Toys again.  Remember last time that I presented what I got for my eldest son Maki?  Well you can check it out here Friday Toys: Candy Fan.  He did like it and so the little one.  Now the problem would be both of them wanted the fan though I brought some also for the little one which is the booklets.

So, here it is below and take note it is not just one but six of them.  Six little booklets with stories that kids will sure like reading or being read to them.

Well just like any other kids my sons loved what I have brought them, the only problem is that both of them want each others toys. So I learned my lesson here if you have kids with the gender makes to get always two. To make sure they would not fight or have rivalry.

So what was the booklet? It's a short stories for kids of the Apple Grove Pals which is published under the Little Tikes Company. The stories are great and I think one or two has an English, Spanish, and French translation which is great for kids trying to learn multi-lingual. Aside from the story it also has attractive graphics err puctures or drawings of the characters which kids will sure love to look at it.

If you're planning to buy this boklets for your kids it is available in Duty Free Shops in Clark, Pampanga. Not yet sure if there are any in some leading toy store or bookstores. With regards to the prize, well ut's really affordable and I'm sure you'll not regret having some for your kids. For less than a quarter of a dollar you can actually own one.

So what do you think? Hope you could share thoughts.

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