A Day With Nickelodeon's SHARElebration

During my younger days, cartoons from Nickelodeon are some of those TV series that I always watch.  Colorful, for kids and animated that's what I like about the cartoons during my time.  Cartoons are what we call those animated TV series.   Being in that event made me think of those days, my younger days and not deprived of toys. 

The SHARElebration Gift Box and underneath are the toys, etc.

Nickelodeon launch the SHARElebration event for the kids to take part in fun and merrymaking as they enjoyed the different booths inside the event area and aise from the fun it is also a great opportunity for them to learn the value of sharing and even encouraged them to be good examples for the other kids.  Well, too bad that the kids weren't with us when we visited this event.    Thus, we make sure that we've let them know where we've been and the cause of that event.

Just look for the stuffed toys.
As part of the sharing thing my wife and I did bring some extra toys that we have in the house, an animal stuffed toy, cuddly and petite.

If Maki where with us I'm sure he'll definitely enjoy it very much.  He has indeed become more active when it comes to joining games and contest but of course he should be fine tuned first before letting him join the games or contests.  

Some of the booths that I think he'll definitely enjoy was the Shell Ferrari Lego, The Nerf and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle booth.  He's good at knocking down stacked cans not sure yet with the assembly think but I'm pretty sure he likes puzzles a lot.

Well that's one of the weekend events that weren't able to bring the kids aside from the bad weather and the traffic, the place was too far. 

How about you?  Were you here on this event?  What did you share for kids of Gawad Kalinga?

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