Gifts, Gifts, Gifts For My Kids

It is indeed Christmas for the kids because for Maki and Gelo it's already raining gifts for them.  Since the start of this week they have been receiving gifts from their Ninong and Ninang (Godparents).  Well as what they would say Christmas is for the kids and they are really happy when they received their gifts and because having good and advance technology it is now much easier to take a photo of the kids together with the gifts and it is also much easier now to share it online and let the Ninong and Ninang (Godparents) knows how much their Inaanak (Godchildren) appreciate their gifts very much.

Our first plan was to place those wrapped gifts under our small Christmas Tree that we have, unfortunately the kids are very eager to see what's inside the gifts so having it under the Christmas isn't possible anymore. They've already unwrapped it and played with it.  I was thinking of having them pictured together with our small Christmas Tree but I think it won't happen now.  It's really hard to explain the feeling watching your kids unwrapped the gifts and see their eyes glow when they see what their gifts are.

We are still looking forward for more gifts to come and for Filipinos, Christmas extends until Three Kings.  So  it's still a long season, perhaps more to come and more gifts to unwrap.

How about you?  How was you're kids have they received their first gifts already?

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