Monday Rush: Typhoon's Aftermath

Last Friday was the start of typhoon Santi's land fall.  Then Saturday, the typhoon pummeled the provinces in Northern Luzon.  I don't have the idea of how vast the damage that the typhoon had made not until today, while travelling to work.... a scene of century-aged trees were lying on the ground uprooted.  Some structures were damaged because of that and some were totally knocked down.

When we arrived in the office some of the trees were also uprooted and torn down.  What's worst is that only a quarter of the office outlets were working properly.  So meaning the working area is not conducive that day.  The two working air conditioner are not good enough to cool the entire office.  Now upon learning from the other as well even our staff house and the rest of the offices and establishments inside Clark don't have electricity.  I also learned that there was no electricity as early as Saturday.  I wonder how does the companies and establishments cope up with the lost.

The aftermath was really vast and damages took time before it was fixed.  It was hot and steamy in the office but I need to work some more documents since the following day is a holiday, Eidul Adha which is a an Islamic Festivity of our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters in the Philippines.

How about you, how was your Monday?

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