Will You Bet On Your Baby?

Dads and Moms, if you're babies are in a competition will you bet on them?  Well, for hands-on Moms and Dads I'm sure you definitely know your kids and are willing to place your bet... all in!  This coming October 19, 2013, here in the Philippines of course, ABS CBN will be airing its very first episode of Bet On Your Baby.  The newest game show on television for moms, dads, and babies.

Bet On Your Baby is an American Television game show which started last April 13, 2013 and now it is here in the Philippines to give entertainment and fun not only for the babies playing but also for the moms and dads as well.  I'm not really sure yet how the mechanics and flow of the game so I'll definitely watch this and see if it's a thumbs up or whatever.  Since Daddy Yashiro's Journal is about family and kids, well we're going to have it watch and review about it.  Soon!  For now, let's wait and see.

Bet On Your Baby is hosted by none other than Ms Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo.  Watch "Bet On Your Baby" on Saturday, October 19. For updates on the program, visit and like "Bet On Your Baby" on Facebook and follow @betonyourbabyph on Twitter or betonyourbabyphilippines on Instagram.

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