Daddy Day Care: #SigeSabado Activities

If you remember my earlier post regarding the Breeze's #SigeSabado Movement well here's what inside that #SigeSabadoPlaybox and I will be sharing what we have done so far with that box.  The Sige Sabado Playbox is a box filled with eight (8) enjoyable activities that Dads, Moms and kids can do during the weekends or perhaps even when it's holiday and as for me, not a #SigeMom but a #SigeDad, we made the weekend a lot more enjoying than the usual.

Here's a note to all Moms, Dads and Kids... it's addicting and doing one activity a day isn't enough.  It's tempting to do all the activities and my kids would ask if we could do all the activities in one, of course time is our main problem as each activities entails time and patience.

So for those who are expecting to see what we have done so far.... well here it is.

First of our activity was Planting The Mongo Seed.  We've got the pot, the mongo seeds, the shovel and the watering pot then the kids do the move.  Of course we, parents, should accompany them when doing this activity.

Second, was the Make Your Own Slime which came out to be a nasty, messy and fun activity for the whole family.  We really got messy while doing this activity, my youngest son, Gelo, is even naughtier while mixing the ingredients.

The third one that we made was the Popsicle Names and Pen Holder.  Kids can get more creative on this activity.  I remember when I was still a kid we used to have Popsicle sticks collected from Ice drops then we make model houses, pen holders and others.

The fourth one so far was the Harlequin Mask that we made.  It got simple design and I think it is more of a Phantom Mask rather than a Harlequin Mask.  Anyway we love it and played with it.  One lesson I learned from my youngest son... never dare your kids when they just woke up from an after nap, they will do anything that you dare to do.

So far these are the activities that we've made and next time the rest of the activities.

You can do these activities as well with the whole family.  Enjoy and share if you've done all of it.

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