Daddy Yashiro's Father's Day Experience with Max's Gifts

For a Dad like me Father's Day is just one of the best days of the year and it's even more interesting when gifts started coming.  I'm no celebrity but being with people who recognizes Dads is great and I'm very much thankful to the Lord and to everyone. For this year my experience was different.  This is the first time that I received something from others. I received gifts from Max's. What's more different is that I'm not the one who spend for it, hahaha!

Just a simple laugh! I remember one of the photos I've seen before. In the picture it shows three persons, a Dad and two sons. Each of them are holding something with them. The youngest son was holding an iPod, the eldest son was holding an iPad, and the Dad was holding a card board with two words on it... "I PAY." It was a funny picture but it pinch in the reality.    
This proud dads get to enjoy the day with gifts from Max's. Just days before Father's Day and while I was away for work, a wrapped gift came to the house with an interesting box but I just saw it on the picture as my better half is the one who received it.  The interesting box was a cake from Max's Corner Bakery and what's great about this cake is that it's a personalized cake, a jersey designed cake with my name on it.  Of course there's gift certificate from Max's Restaurant to let Dads enjoy the day with the family.
Aside from the GC and cake, there was also premium items like the Gilas Pilipinas T-Shirt and cap with the #PusoToTheMax.  This is to show support to the Gilas Pilipinas' journey to Spain as they face other teams at the FIBA World Cup.  It was like being with the team.
On the day, Father's Day celebration was simple.  It was just a lunch and stroll at the mall that makes everyone happy.

It was a great gift for Dads like Kwento Ni Toto.  Thanks to Max's Restaurant and Max's Corner Bakery for the gift!

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