Here's The Winner of Kwento Ni Toto and Daddy Yashiro's Journal Boxfresh Shoes Giveaway

Tantatatan! And the winner of Kwento Ni Toto and Daddy Yashiro's Journal Boxfresh Shoes Giveaway is none other than.....

Maricel Cel Fajardo

It's late and we're sorry that this was posted late but like the saying is, "it's better late than never".   Though we didn't posted ASAP of who's the winner well we did get in touch with the winner ASAP and agreed for a meet up.  We contacte Maricel and met in one of the malls in Quezon City and as a proof of that meeting above is her picture together with the paper bag containing a pair Boxfresh Shoes that she just won.  I'm sure her husband is delighted to see that his wife got a present for him.  

Again congratulations to Maricel for winning the raffle and for those who did not, well wait for more giveaway.  We got plenty of planned giveaways just continue to read Kwento Ni Toto and Daddy Yashiro's Journal.  

Great day everyone!

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