Monday Rush : New Traffic Scheme

Monday Rush is back and for this particular Monday I'm rushing to go to work because I might ended up trap in a new traffic scheme that the MMDA and HPG are laying on the streets of Metro Manila.  Yes, after so many plans and rerouting schemes that the MMDA had made they finally teamed up with the Highway Patrol Group in implementing traffic rules to road users.

As a citizen what I know is that there's going to be a lot more problem of this new implementation. Yes there's a force of authority in the case that HPG will be on the street clearing this out with the motorists on their violation but we just hope that it won't cause any more heavy traffic.

I'm rushing because I don't won't want to be late just because I got caught in a traffic with the new plan they the MMDA and HPG made. But people were very much aware of the situation that as early quarter to six the road were already piled up with commuters waiting for the PUVs (Public Utility Vehicles). Perhaps Monday is just the day that most people are hurrying up.

So will just see how things will go on this traffic in the following days. How about you what do you think of this?

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