Outburst of Emotion on My Birth Month

Just a little outburst (or more perhaps) of emotion today just to clear out some clogs in the system. These past few days things aren’t going pretty well for me. It’s a roller coaster ride of worries that make my thoughts preoccupied. Concentration isn’t good as it should be.

September is the month where I’m supposed to be enjoying and celebrating the wonderful gift of God, my birth. This is the part of the year that I’m supposed to be jolly and excited but instead I’m all cranky and grumpy. You know how it is when your plan doesn’t go the way you want it to be. But then again God is the all loving God that makes every little thing possible. He leads solution right into the tip of my nose.

So it’s my BIRTH MONTH! I want this and I want that, there are so many things that I want to happen and to give to my family. But of course there’s always limitation to the things that we can have. The only thing in life that doesn’t have much limitation is dreaming. Be it, it’s good to have dreams. So what I am dreaming (more of a goal now for me) to have? Well to name a few… a new house, money to construct my parents house, medication for me and my family and my parents, savings for the kids’ education, to have our own business, and for us enjoy more time together.

This month, I just pray that people, friends, brands or companies remember ME on the very important day of my life not just because I made a contribution to them but because they know me as a person who’s been part of their life. Every year and to every people I meet I always pray that I was or could share my life to them.

Blessed or a little less blessed I’m still thankful for everything that’s happening to my life!

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