"Daddy Day Care : Simbang Gabi?"

Today is another Daddy Day Care on a Christmas season. This morning we were supposed to go to the Dawn Church Service but due to the cold weather, tired and to sleepy to get up we weren't able to go to church. I don't when will be able to go the dawn church service but I just hope that we could at least attend one dawn church service.

Here in the Philippines December 16 is the start of the "Simbang Gabi or Madaling Araw" (Eve Church Service or Dawn Church Service). This church eve or dawn service is the start of the Christmas Season.

Now back to our day. As usual Maki and I were left alone in the house. The Lolo and Lola hasn't come home from the Church Dawn Service, so all left for us to do is play, watch, and do our chores.

We were watching some programs from one of the TV networks in the Philippines and it is titled "Kulilits". I find Maki interested on how they present some stories. Maybe Maki need some more story tellings from us. The story is about the birth of Jesus. We haven't told much stories to him lately. Maybe today I'll buy some story book for Maki.


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