Daddy day Care: Family Time w/ Private Iris

A very tiring and fun day today! It’s just another bonding moment with my wife, my son plus my wife’s niece Pepay. Pepay is the only girl in the Montas Family, most of the offspring are boys so the family treat her as a princess. Since Pepay will be taking cared by my mother-in-law, my wife and I decided to bring along Pepay with us in one of the events that we are attending to. I don’t know if Maki was delighted to go to the event or Pepay was with us. Anyway so went off to the event at Greenbelt, Ayala. I think this was the first time that Pepay went out this far.


This is Pepay, my wife’s niece.

We rode a public utility vehicle that runs like an ambulance. I don’t know if his having an LBM or what. Though both Maki and Pepay fall asleep, still I don’t like how the driver runs the jeepney. He’s not in a race track and what his carrying with him are the lives of his passengers. Hay! Why is it that there are drivers like that? Okay so much with that rant about those annoying PUV drivers. Though my wife and my son got scared of the jeepney ride I would still thank him for bringing us fast at the MRT.

That ride really make our day a little bit scary good thing that our next ride doesn’t have to go very fast but the only thing that is not good about this second ride is the people. Since the MRT is the fastest way to travel a number of people choose this better than riding a bus. So meaning, training couches were not enough to accommodate extreme quantity of passengers, especially during rush hours.

When get inside the station and to the platform, there were already quite a number of passengers waiting for the train. We looked for an area with lesser mass of people. When the train arrived, we get in and there were no available seats. Good thing that there were two good Samaritans who offered their seats to us since we were carrying kids. I really commend and praise those two people. Take note one of them is a lady who chooses to stand just to give way for my wife who’s carrying Pepay and the other one is, I don’t know if his a Chinese, Korean, or Singaporean because he looks foreigner to me, a guy who offered me his seat. Shame on those guys who let a lady offers her seat instead of them. Again a BIG THANK YOU to those two. Though we did not get their names but the thought of their deeds will be remembered. I just hope that MRT will try to at least make a banner of thanks or praise for those who make such deeds. They are not boasting about it may be with that action by MRT or even LRT will boost others to do the same as well.


When we arrived at Ayala, Pepay glared her eyes with what she sees while Maki is jumping with excitement. We walked our way through different malls and straight to Powerbooks at Greenbelt 4. It’s great that malls were connected with bridges. We arrived just in time for Maki to have a little bit of coloring before the entire activity starts. We met with Mommy Bedai, which is by the way the one who invited us to join that event. After registering and getting the 3D glasses, Maki and Mommy went to a small table with crayons and papers. While they were busy coloring I took some shots of the area and some of the comic books of Private Iris. Mommy Bedai even introduce me to the Jaime Bautista, the writer of the Private Iris. There were lots of kids there and Maki, still shy, couldn’t go in the middle without being led.

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The event was the launching of Private Iris’ Case No. 17 Going Pinoy in which there are portion of the comic book that are in 3D that’s why there are 3D glasses. Private Iris is a comic book for kids just like the comic book of know superheroes. I think I could compare it with some of the known cartoon characters in the Cartoon Network. Some of their sponsors were Alaska and Powerbooks. The event showcased games that are played by most Pinoys but I think it was during our time when internet and computer games weren’t known yet. Anyway, good that it is being introduced to this generation. Some of the games showcased and played by kids were the Dama, Sungka, and the Piko or Hotch Scotch. They even have a backdrop of a jeepney, perhaps they made it because of the title of Private Iris’ Case No. 17 which is “Going Pinoy”. There were also games played by some of the kids, unfortunately Maki is again too shy to join. There were also story telling activity and the most awaited portion of all activities, the raffle. Shocks were not very lucky when it comes to raffle. Anyway Maki and Pepay did enjoy the event. We did buy one comic book for Maki and there were some features of the Private Iris that we would really want to know more and understand how it works. For that time we just wanted to have that book and signed by the writer itself.

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After the Private Iris event we went to Glorietta and had our snack at McDonalds. Mommy also bought this Coca Cola Glass Can. The way to the MRT Station is still far and having two kids with us is really an exercise. Hehehe!

When we got to the MRT Station we decided not to take train because of the large number of people. We don’t know if we’ll be able to have a seat there or we might get squeezed by those mass of passengers. So, we decided to take the time consuming bus ride. We get into a bus and settled. Later on Maki and Pepay were asleep. The bus ride back home took almost 1 ½ hours in which gives us a little bit of time to take a nap. Thank God that we got home safe and sound.

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You can actually try viewing the 3D effect here. If you have 3D glasses try to view this one.  Just wait for your eyes to adjust. Private-Iris4

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