Dad's Smiling Lunch Situation

Being a Dad doesn’t mean that we’ll stop taking care of ourselves. Good grooming should always be part of our daily rituals. No matter how late we are or how hectic are the schedules that we have, still we need to be presentable as possible. Another good thing about being a Dad is that we always get a chance to practice our smiling face whenever we’re with our kids. So, happy Dads with happy kids always bring a contagious smile. Even though Dads like me who is not very much of a heartthrob material, having a good look and a well pleasant smile will eventually give way for some good opportunities.

Photo image from Kwento Ni Toto

And it did occur in one of the incident our office. It was a meeting with some of the high ranking officials of the government agency. Most of them were really snappy and rigid with how they look. I made the order for the lunch and most of the viands were cooked with pork. I thought it was okay when one of the staff informed me that one of the officials does not eat pork. As an admin assistant, it is my task to know information about the attendees which I somewhat overlooked. Fifteen minutes before lunch I rushed to the restaurant and talked to the manager if I could exchange one of the viand which doesn’t have any pork. With some few explanations, the manager agreed to have it exchange with beef. I went back to the office with the beef just in time before their lunch.

Glad that I somehow talk my way with the manager for that solution.

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