Daddy Day Care : Recognition Day

Hay!  It's just those times that when you thought that all the openings of the heaven have been shut off   but then you'll think again because everyday is not fun day and sufferings are not everyday.  There are just a time for everything it just all falls down according to His plan.

Today is one of the happy days and great blessings God has given to us.  Though we're not expecting it but God sure made it's way for us.  Our son, Maki, did get a lot of ribbons and recognition this day.  He was given five ribbons namely, Most Kind, Most Honest, Most Responsible, Most Industrious, and Most Punctual.  He was also given a recognition of being Best in English and the best news was that he'll be awarded as the Top student of their Nursery Class.  The medal was not yet given today but will be given during the commencement exercise of the school on Monday, March 26, 2012.   Because of that we really did make our leaves from work just to witness the very first achievement of our eldest son.    So we'll be ready for that on Monday.

God really knows what to give and our sons are some of the greatest gifts that He has provided.  We are very proud of our eldest son.

Of course the Monday activity and Maki's achievement calls for a celebration and thank God that he had already provided that, thanks to McDonald's for providing that coupons which we will be using on Monday and some additional foods that doesn't cost that much, perhaps.

Since it's the Graduation Month already, I think it's about time to extend congratulations to all the students who will be graduating this year.  I know how hard it is to study and I'm sure your parents are very proud of you.  KUDOS to ALL THE GRADUATES!


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