Joined The Red Cross Million Volunteer Run

Yup! Last week I was able to join the Red Cross's 1 Million Volunteer Run and after a few months of being a lousy and lazy runner I was able to make my run again. I'm a bad runner because I didn't prepare for this run and because of that the result of my run is way down the line. I was able to finish that run with almost an hour because it was a run and walk. To be exact I was able to dinish at 49 minutes. Way... way far compared to my previous runs.

Well the run was courtesy of our SuperKap Chito Valmocina and thanks to him for that healthy Sunday morning. That was my first full sweat for this year. It's a good start for a healthier 2013.

Remember last year that I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and my cholesterol level was high beyond for my age? Well, I was able to lower it down and gladly I feel great now but of course I need to maintain a healthy lifestyle because anytime soon high blood might shoot up.

I choose my usual run which is the 5K or the five (5) kilometer run.  The line starts at the front of Quezon City Memorial Circle facing the Commonwealth Ave, from there the half of the run will turn near the Puregold in Luzon and for the 3K it turns near the Iglesia Ni Cristo.  Gladly it was Sunday so the road was a little bit clearer from vehicles.

Well as an environmental activist there are some things that I observed should be explained further to all the participants not only on this specific run but to all succeeding runs no matter what agency or company it is.  Participants should be oriented about their trash or garbage whether before, during or after the run.  Participants should be mindful enough to keep or place their trash on proper areas.

Though the runs are for a good cause let us still remember that saving mother earth is one of best cause for running events.

What do you think about this?  Hope you could share your ideas and views here.

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