Memory Lane: Lone Graduation

As of this week plenty of schools are having their commencement exercises or in a more common term their graduation day.  Though it is the sign of the end of a school but it is also the sign of a new beginning.  For students it gives a feeling of accomplishment having finished one level of their lives and for the parents it's a time to celebrate and be grateful for the Lord for having wonderful kids striving to learn what they are ought to learn.

I remember my high school graduation and I can say that it was the loneliest graduation I've ever had. A  lone graduation.  What's worst is that high school graduation only happens once.   I don't have much souvenir memory of my high school graduation and the only picture that I have was even lost.  The whole event was only recorded in my thoughts.  How I wish technology was much more friendlier and cheaper that time.

For most of the graduates that time it was one of their happiest moments but for me it was one of my loneliest.  The only person who's with me that time was my Godparent's son.  Technically I don't have my parents with me because my mother was in the hospital and my father attended my sister's graduation.  My sister's graduation and my graduation were coincidentally have the same date and a little bit closer with time which is impossible for my father to be instantly be in my graduation.

Yes, it was lonely but I'm still thankful that I was able to finish one level of my life.  

My son, Maki will be having also their commencement exercise and we were glad that he finished Kinder 2 with honors plus he'is Best in Math.  Isn't it great!  Perhaps I should make sure that I'll always be there during their graduation days.

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