Daddy Day Care: Bags, Kids, Heavy Rain & Sore Shoulders

Weekend is Daddy Day Care time and going out is what we always do.  For this specific weekend and for this specific day our outing made my shoulder down to my elbow ails.  Gelo is sure growing fast and also getting heavier or is it me getting older.     Well, in just a few more days I'll be piling up my memory bank with full of happy thoughts once again.

Though my shoulder sores and ailing that time I don't want to spoil the day for the kids because they are looking forward for this day and besides I could still go on.  Carrying Gelo together with the bags was really tough.  It was like working out in a gym but just like in any exercise I don't have any preparation for it that I somehow pushed it to the limit.  I carry Gelo above the MRT station bars beyond what I my arms can and it made it sore.   What add up to that sore is that we were stranded in the station due to heavy rains.   We were standing waiting for the rain to stop.  Maki was tired and Gelo was on and off and we were there for almost an hour.

When the rains calms down to shower we hurriedly went to Megamall.  When we were inside the mall we did make sure that the kids are dry because we don't want them to get ill again, specially Gelo.

O did I forgot to mention that we were going to meet two of the winners of the blog anniversary contest?  Yup we met them there and they did wait for us for an hour.  Bad weather!  Anyway we manage to met them and gave the bag prizes.   This is the first time that I met them and it was great meeting new bloggers once in a while.

So, here are there pics together with the prizes.

We continued the day at Max's Restaurant and had our merienda.  Afterwards we went home and that's the time that I felt that my shoulder and elbow were swollen already.

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