Daddy Day Care: The Jollibee Kids Club Happy Plus Event

It was weekend once again and the kids experienced another great event with Jollibee. Yes, it was one of those family get together that we had with Jollibee.  What can I say, the kids loves Jollibee very much.  I remember my eldest son watching Jollitown episodes on youtube over and over that made me go LSS (last song syndrome).

This time it was the Jollibee Kids Club event where they launched the Happy Plus. I remember this Happy Plus card and the Jollibee Kids Club because both of the kids are members and are enjoying the benefits of it.  My wife always make sure that whenever we're going for a dinner or lunch at Jollibee she would always bring the kids' cards.  Not only that we will be enjoying the discounts but of course the freebies as well.  I also remember that my son, Maki was able to join some of the events that the Jollibee Kids Club's activities and soon our youngest will be joining as well.

Jollibee Kids Club is the biggest nationwide club for kids with over 440,000 members.  The club promotes development of a child's multiple intelligence through a variety of activities and workshops within the year in which our son, Maki had already enjoyed. And to have a taste of that activities the JKC HappyPlus Launching event made some activities that the kids enjoyed.  The activities were called JKC Multiple Intelligence Station and it let children have a hands-on experience of what JKC offers. It boosts kids' social skills, arts and crafts, reading, and performance arts and all of these while having fun.

Here are the different stations that the kids in the event experienced.

Virtual Olympics
This multiple intelligence activity highlights the Social Skill.

Shake and Shimmy
This activity outs emphasis on Performance Arts

Crafty Cupcakes
Makes the kids creative and highlights the Arts and Crafts

Book Mark, Book Art!
Another multiple intelligence activity that highlights Arts and Crafts

Book Read
This activity got plenty of books that kids enjoyed reading.

Kids sure enjoyed the day and aside from these activities there were also cotton candy treats, face painting, glitter tattoos and of course a photo booth to remember the day.

So what does a Jollibee Kids Club member can enjoy?  Upon registration, the member will receive a JKC-HappyPlus Card plus other fun freebies from Jollibee.  Each card costs Php100(load not included) and is available on selected Jollibee stores for kids 12 years and below. This entitles the bearer a 3-year membership already.  once the card is loaded, this can be used to purchase any Jollibee treats.  Well, so far this is what we've learned during the event but you can still get to know more at the Jollibee Kids Club website

After the event the kids went home with a big smile on their faces.  Of course it was tiring but seeing that much happy just swirl that tiresome feeling away.

How about you, how was your weekend with your kids?

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